The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Online Market is Open!
I am happy to announce that we have been provided with some additional Double Dollar funding for SNAP benefits users. We will match purchases dollar for dollar up to $50.
If you place an order with the intention of using your SNAP card for payment, please make a note of this in the comments section on the check out screen. When you are placing your order, keep in mind that up to $50 of your order will be paid for using Double Dollars. So, you can order $100 and only use $50 in SNAP benefits and the rest will be paid for in Double Dollars. We will not be issuing scrips for this funding. It is solely for use towards purchases made through the online market and for Siloam Springs only. Double Dollar benefits will be applied after you place your order and a revised invoice will be emailed showing the remaining balance due at the time of order pick up. Email Stacy at if you have any questions.
If you know someone that does not receive this newsletter but could benefit from this program please share the information.