The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Online Market is Open! Check out the M &D Plant Sale!


Amsonia (1 gal, 4 plants) $10 (avail 20

Beauty bush (1 gal) $12 (avail 14)

Beauty bush (3 gal, 2-1/2 ft hi) $25 (avail 2)

Flowering almond (1 gal) $12 (avail 6)

Goldenrain tree (2 ft) $17 (avail 2)

Goldenrain tree (4 ft) $35 (avail 1)

Boxwood, Korean (1 gal) $8 (avail 2)

Lilac, purple (1 gal) $7 (avail 2)

Lilac, purple (3 gal)$10 (avail 2)’

Lily of the valley (1/2 gal) $8 (avail 10)

Redbud trees (1 gal) $5 (avail 7)

Rose of Sharon (1 gal) $8 (avail 10)

Rose of Sharon (4 ft) $12 (avail 6)

Euonymus,evergreen (1 gal) $8 (avail 2)

Magnolia grandiflora (20-24") $15 (avail 2)

Daylilies, orange (3 gal, several small plants) $20 (avail 3)

Paulownia tomentosa (seeds) $5/pkg of 100+ seeds (avail – orders will be filled as received) P. tomentosa (imperialis) – the chief kind – is a round-headed tree, 40-50 ft high, leaves almost as broad as long inflorescences 9-12 in. long and wide; growth is very rapid and soft shoots, 6-8 ft high, may be formed the first

Market management has been out to visit the greenhouse and property of M & D Specialty Growers (as well as all our other farmers & vendors). Owner, Ms. Dorothy, is a treasure, full of knowledge and love for plants and nature. Check out the sale as they are preparing the greenhouse for spring plants AND preparing to harvest chestnuts and figs to sell at our market. That’s right! This fall there will be fresh chestnuts and figs for sale at our market.

As always, pre-order your favorite items and pick them up at the market on Saturday between 9 – 11 a.m. While you are at the market check out the great flowering plants, succulents, shrubs and more that Perennial Gardens has to offer. Also, visit our farmers, bakers and crafters:

Rainbow’s produce
The Bread Basket
Vang’s Fresh Market
Skopp Bakery
Xiong Farm
Opossum Hollow Produce
Lor Garden
R Family Farm
Kady’s Crafts

Have a great week!