The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Christmas is Just Around the Corner! Shop Local for the Holidays!
The market will be open through the Holidays this season so you can get the items you need for Christmas and New Year’s Eve/Day! We will continue with our regular ordering/pick up schedule.
Need meal/recipe ideas? Check the past newsletters for great ideas using market ingredients.
This week we welcome Kirsten Pearson to our online market with her amazing Lefse! Kirsten shared a booth at the outdoor market with Claire from Redhead Bread. You can find the Lefse under the Baked Goods then Ethnic/Specialties. Lefse is great for wraps, breakfast burritos, and warmed with butter and salt or honey.
R Family Farm has their last batch of chickens at the processor now and should be picking them up next week. This will be the last of the chicken cuts available until spring. They should be listed online by the week of Christmas.
Enjoy the week and see you Saturday!