The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Online Market is Open!!
It has been so nice to have fresh lettuce available for the past two weeks. Cabbage is on the way and I’m hoping for spinach and kale too.
Opossum Hollow Produce has started their flower seeds as well. They will go into the ground soon and we will have beautiful flowers available at the market this spring.
R Family Farm still has chicken available as well as pastured pork, grass fed beef, and pet food.
Payne Farm and R Family Farm have kept us well supplied with eggs this winter.
There is honey, all natural products for your home, knitted and crocheted kitchen items, and Lefse. Don’t forget to check out the amazing locally roasted coffee from Bad Dog Beanery!
Enjoy shopping this week and see you Saturday!