The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Online Market is Open!
Good morning! I want to reassure you that we are closely monitoring information regarding COVID-19. We will continue our online market and as always we are committed to the health and safety of our customers.
There are two whole chickens left to purchase so if you’re needing some healthy, pastured chicken to add to your meal planning now is the time to get them. They are large birds but that means they will make several meals for your family plus you’ll have the bones for broth.
Lots of kale and lettuce available as well as spinach, bok choy, turnips and turnip greens, and more.
Please remember to wash your veggies as part of the process to prepare them for your meals.
Be sure to check out the amazing selection of breads and baked goods and don’t forget eggs, pecans, and honey!
I would like to encourage everyone to consider paying online or by check when you pick up. SNAP benefits and Cash will always be accepted.
See you Saturday!